
Documentation Link Not Found (404 Error)

devBarcode opened this issue · 8 comments

Clicking the "DOCS" button on the homepage redirects users to a page that doesn't exist: "". This occurs even when changing the language code from "it" to "en" (

While other language translations work correctly (e.g.,, the English documentation link seems broken.

Hello @devBarcode, this is pretty concerning. English translations are stored at Can you send a video/screenshots showing what happens or you when you click the button? I can't reproduce this on Safari.

Sure @trigaten, I have tested this issue in Firefox and confirmed the behavior.

That is super helpful, are you in Italy?

Yes I'm based in Italy

Gotcha, we are looking into this currently!

@devBarcode if you go to, then click docs, does it work (that is, not go to 404)?

Unfortunately, we don't have an Italian translation yet.

@devBarcode if you go to, then click docs, does it work (that is, not go to 404)?

Oh yes! It works now correctly, thank you!
p.s. Don't worry for the Italian translation, at least for me, english is quite easy to read and understand.