
Bounding box annotations

bobetocalo opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear colleagues,

First of all I would like to congratulate you for your excellent work.
I found a critical difference in the bounding boxes annotations. Why your annotations have been added with 1 pixel extra?
For example:
Image: afw/823016568_2.pts

Your annotations:
Bounding box: [ 397.500 445.500 397.500 709.500 685.500 709.500 685.500 445.500 ]

Original annotations:
bb_detector: 396.5,444.5,684.5,708.5

On the other hand, how did you compute the bounding boxes for the 300w private images? Are you using a public face detector? I have not found it in the website. "As opposed to last year's Challenge (300-W 2013), in this version we will not provide any face detection initializations. Each system should detect the face in the image and then localize the facial landmarks."

I look formard to your response.

Best regards,
Roberto Valle

  1. That's just the convention we use (the original *.pts were created by guys using Matlab and thus 1-indexed).

  2. The 300w dataset comes in two versions. In one it assumes the existence of a detector (the one we followed) and the other does not. You can find more about this here. A DPM based detector was used for the detection.