Feature Request: automatically set positioning to floating on cinnamon
Closed this issue · 6 comments
binarynoise commented
trigg commented
This might be a potential fix. It would need a sensible way to find out if the user is on cinnamon...
Could you please provide the output of env | grep XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP
I'm hoping that will be enough to work off of
binarynoise commented
trigg commented
Ah I hoped so!
Yep I'll look into this then
trigg commented
It's not the prettiest, but it will ignore 'edge' choice in cinnamon desktop now.
To really call this fixed we probably need a way to explain this to new users
binarynoise commented
Next step could be disabling the anchored radio box in the settings UI.
I don't program in python, otherwise I'd help you with that...
Thanks for the workaround though.
trigg commented
That's done too. I'll close for now as this shouldn't cause further issue.