- 17
Specify directory for `p_load`
#84 opened by jdossgollin - 0
p_install quiet option
#145 opened by latot - 0
[Feature] P_Install only if package does not exists
#144 opened by latot - 0
setting library location in p_load
#143 opened by whywhowhat - 3
No code completion with `p_load()` in VS COde
#141 opened by joshpersi - 0
need a p_delete() function
#142 opened by sanjmeh - 1
Pacman packages
#139 opened by NeetuP14 - 1
- 2
“there is no package called ‘rgl’” 🐞
#130 opened by tgotwig - 0
file loading issues
#140 opened by NeetuP14 - 1
- 1
Cannot Install pacman via CRAN
#128 opened by ingram1107 - 1
Strange capitalisation warning when trying to update loaded github package
#133 opened by LukasWallrich - 3
#119 opened by oloverm - 3
Incorrect handling of `force = FALSE` when installing multiple packages using `p_install`
#121 opened by r-cheologist - 3
- 0
pak as package install backend?
#136 opened by KnutJaegersberg - 1
misleading warning for bioconductor packages
#134 opened by talegari - 0
GPLv2 license
#135 opened by jrdnbradford - 1
Can pacman install R packages in a fully automatic way, without any user interaction needed ever?
#115 opened by UnixJunkie - 0
passing dependecies = T to p_load
#132 opened by claudiofronterre - 0
- 1
p_load update = TRUE specific packages
#108 opened by Fablepongiste - 1
- 2
Failing to find bioconductor packages
#127 opened by NathanSkene - 1
BiocManager missing in fresh install
#125 opened by mmoisse - 1
INSTALL_opts=c("--no-docs", "--no-help","--no-html") but still trying to install
#126 opened by hillar - 0
Feature request: suppress warning for trailing comma
#124 opened by kendonB - 0
`p_search_any` fails at parsing HTML table
#123 opened by briatte - 3
Installing from GitHub and specifying "type"
#118 opened by alapo - 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
- 7
Submitting devel version to CRAN
#113 opened by jimhester - 6
Add functionality to ensure a package is installed without actually loading (and thus attaching) it.
#98 opened by phirsch - 3
- 10
Drop devtools in favor of ghit
#92 opened by trinker - 6
p_unload for namespaces not in searchpath
#100 opened by yonicd - 4
Enable/Disable Package Startup messages
#99 opened by pgensler - 2
Checkpoint integration?
#89 opened by Dasonk - 1
- 3
Add topics
#96 opened by Dasonk - 1
Run tests on travis CI
#95 opened by Dasonk - 1
p_author doesn't read Authors@R
#94 opened by Dasonk - 8
error in readRDS on R 3.4.0
#90 opened by arbelt - 8
Port travis over to native
#88 opened by Dasonk - 0
p_load_gh vs. p_load_current_gh
#87 opened by Dasonk - 3
Primary language detected as html
#85 opened by Dasonk - 5