replace_time and replace_money functions
trinker opened this issue · 5 comments
trinker commented
12:47 to "twelve forty-seven" and $3.16 into "three dollars, sixteen cents."
trinker commented
Replace_date too? Formats would have to be limited.
trinker commented
replace_time <- function(x, pattern = '(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])[.:]?([0-5]?[0-9])?',
replacement = function(y){
z <- replace_number(unlist(strsplit(y, '[:.]')))
if(![3])) z[3] <- paste0('and ', z[3], ' seconds')
paste(z, collapse = ' ')
}, ...){
if (is.function(replacement)) {
f_gsub <- fgsub
} else {
f_gsub <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex
f_gsub(x, pattern, replacement)
x <- c(NA, '12:47 to "twelve forty-seven" and also 8:35:02', 'what about 14:24.5', 'And then 99:99:99?')
replace_time(x, replacement = '<<TIME>>')
replace_time(x, replacement = function(y){
z <- unlist(strsplit(y, '[:.]'))
z[1] <- 'hh'
z[2] <- 'mm'
if(![3])) z[3] <- 'ss'
collapse(z, ':')
replace_time(x, replacement = function(y){
z <- replace_number(unlist(strsplit(y, '[:.]')))
z[3] <- paste0('and ', ifelse([3]), '0', z[3]), ' seconds')
paste(z, collapse = ' ')
replace_time(x, replacement = function(y){
z <- unlist(strsplit(y, '[:.]'))
z[1] <- 'hh'
z[2] <- 'mm'
z[3] <- 'ss'
collapse(z, ':')
trinker commented
replace_money <- function(x, pattern = '(-?)([$])([0-9,]+)(\\.\\d{2})?',
replacement = function(x, dec = decimal){
sign <- ifelse(grepl('^-', x), 'negative ', '')
if (grepl('\\.', x)) {
number <- replace_number(gsub('\\.', paste0(' dollars', dec), gsub('(-?)([$])', '', x)))
paste0(sign, number, ' cents')
} else {
number <- replace_number(gsub('(-?)([$])', '', x))
paste0(sign, number)
}, decimal = ' and ', ...){
if (is.function(replacement)) {
f_gsub <- fgsub
} else {
f_gsub <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex
f_gsub(x, pattern, replacement)
x <- c(NA, '$3.16 into "three dollars, sixteen cents"', "-$20,333.18 too", 'fff')
replace_money(x, decimal = ', ')
replace_money(x, replacement = '<<MONEY>>')
trinker commented
replace_date <- function(x,
pattern = c('([01]?[0-9])[/-]([0-2]?[0-9]|3[01])[/-]\\d{4}|\\d{4}[/-]([01]?[0-9])[/-]([0-2]?[0-9]|3[01])'),
replacement = function(x){
parts <- strsplit(gsub('(^.+)([/-])(\\d{4})', '\\3\\2\\1', x, perl = TRUE), '[/-]')[[1]]
y <- replace_number(parts[1])
m <-[as.integer(parts[2])]
d <- english::ordinal(as.integer(parts[3]))
paste0(m, ' ', d, ', ', y)
}, ...){
if (is.function(replacement)) {
f_gsub <- fgsub
} else {
f_gsub <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex
f_gsub(x, pattern, replacement)
x <- c(NA, '11-16-1980 and 11/16/1980', 'and 2017-02-08 but then there\'s 2/8/2017 too')
replace_date(x, replacement = '<<DATE>>')
trinker commented
Still need to included example in readme