
Cannot run older Trino versions with chart version trino-0.14.0

david-streamlio opened this issue · 7 comments

I am a committer on the Apache Pulsar project, and we have created a connector based on the 368 version of Trino. Now we are unable to deploy it using the latest version of the Trino helm chart.

The Trino Helm Version

helm list -A
NAME                     	NAMESPACE     	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                          	APP VERSION        
trino-cluster            	trino         	1       	2023-12-12 09:09:13.0732119 -0800 PST  	deployed	trino-0.14.0                   	432      

Steps to Reproduce

helm install -f 368.yaml $RELEASE_NAME trino/trino --namespace $TRINO_K8S_NS --create-namespace

Contents of the 368.yaml file:

  tag: "368"
  pullPolicy: "Always"

Observed Error Behavior in the Worker Pods

Step1: Confirm that image tagged 368 is downloaded

kubectl describe <worker pod>

  Type     Reason     Age                From               Message
  ----     ------     ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  23s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned trino/trino-cluster-worker-c4d5bbcc8-xflxh to k8s-node00
  Normal   Pulled     19s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "trinodb/trino:368" in 1.254727643s (2.728144379s including waiting)
  Normal   Pulling    18s (x2 over 22s)  kubelet            Pulling image "trinodb/trino:368"
  Normal   Pulled     16s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "trinodb/trino:368" in 1.299575889s (2.112766319s including waiting)
  Normal   Created    16s (x2 over 19s)  kubelet            Created container trino-worker
  Normal   Started    16s (x2 over 19s)  kubelet            Started container trino-worker
  Warning  BackOff    12s (x4 over 15s)  kubelet            Back-off restarting failed container trino-worker in pod trino-cluster-worker-c4d5bbcc8-xflxh_trino(ecb3e37d-67b2-4199-b6b7-94c0da17b5a7)

Step 2: Check the pod logs for the error

kubectl logs <worker pod>

+ set +e
+ grep -s -q /etc/trino/
+ set -e
+ [[ 1 != 0 ]]
+ exec /usr/lib/trino/bin/launcher run --etc-dir /etc/trino
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library /usr/lib/trino/bin/ in absolute path, with error: /usr/lib/trino/bin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

FWIW, it appears that starting the chart version 412, there is a step to explicitly copy this file into the image at the /usr/lib/trino/bin folder.

Maybe we should document this as a restriction .. the chart should mostly be used with a recent release of Trino .. if you need older Trino release you probably need to use an older version of the chart.

However .. maybe we also should not copy jvmkill into the container either ..

And lastly .. the recent switch to Java 21 might have an effect as well .. and the so might or might not work depending on what processor architecture the container ends up using .. since its a static .so file...

Also @david-streamlio .. it would be great to work collaborate and get the connector into Trino itself .. that would reduce your maintenance and headaches for users.

Thanks for the quick response @mosabua . For now, do you happen to know which version of the chart would work with the older, "368" release, which runs on JDK 11?

Longer term, we should work together to update the Apache Pulsar Trino connector to the latest version of Trino, and maybe even get it added as a supported connector that is included in the deployment by default.

I will open an issue in our repository to track the upgrade effort.

If you get it merged into the Trino repo it will be part of every release, part of the Trino docs, and part of the default docker container. And therefore also flow into all the ecosystems and vendors where the main project is used.

In terms of which chart version .. honestly no idea .. I would go back in the git history in terms of date for starters. Probably a very old version of the chart. 368 is VERY old (2 years...

FYI, I found that helm search provides some useful information on the charts and the supported app version.

helm search repo trino -l
NAME       	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                                       
trino/trino	0.14.0       	432        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.13.0       	423        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.12.0       	423        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.11.0       	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.10.2       	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.10.1       	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.10.0       	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.9.0        	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.8.0        	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.7.0        	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.6.0        	375        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.5.0        	372        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.4.0        	370        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.3.0        	355        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...
trino/trino	0.2.0        	355        	Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data ...

Using version 0.11.0 of the chart resolved the issue.