
mini kinda game engine




python3 -m http.server 8001


A melange on editor and play mode game engine esc tinker sandbox builder

not fully games

controls are either mouse select, or walk with arrow keys, might have sound, click screen and turn on speakers plus button might do something. top 3 buttons pause game play and step though each frame

Things to do like

  • webgl view
  • drag input
  • button to make an object
  • edit ui viewy
  • food
  • compile to something We do it live!!
  • loopy loop
  • increase loopy loop
  • script based animations from text box


  • webgl view!
  • text box typing!
  • listener poking system!
  • lv 1 scripting animations!
  • AABB box hit collisions
  • Keyboard audio sound board
  • player movement 2d
  • 2d view
  • some 3d view
  • loop system, for animations and collisions
  • live game swapping without reloading
  • direct url game loading

dev derps

so the idea is everything has a lv:n attribute, and the whole box is System1 if something gets a significant upgrade lv:2+ versioning is changed. Nothing complex just a stupid way to track the complexity of the file as it progresses at the start of reading

IF a System2 comes, we freeze everything into the folder and start on a new copy. This way games have compatibility with previous

Making a game

Right now the basics are. Copy a game from /System1/Discs/... Rename the game in the Game("n") function In /System1/index.html add a copy of the path with import { disc as mousetest } from "./Discs/mousetest.js"; add game to catalog APPPP.addGameToCatalog(mousetest); you can swap out a default game with APPPP.insertDisc(superjumpybocky); or you can directly load the game in the url with ?game=name http://localhost:8001/System1/index.html?game=soundboard


Animation can be had via the main loop hook this.system.loopHookPoints.beforeDraw = function(){ time functions are not yet fully in so just do deltatime with mTime =; and - mTime; mTime =;

Note from web

Knowing this a typical WebGL program basically follows this structure

At Init time

    create all shaders and programs and look up locations
    create buffers and upload vertex data
    create textures and upload texture data

At Render Time

    clear and set the viewport and other global state (enable depth testing, turn on culling, etc..)
    For each thing you want to draw
        call gl.useProgram for the program needed to draw.
        setup attributes for the thing you want to draw
            for each attribute call gl.bindBuffer, gl.vertexAttribPointer, gl.enableVertexAttribArray
        setup uniforms for the thing you want to draw
            call gl.uniformXXX for each uniform
            call gl.activeTexture and gl.bindTexture to assign textures to texture units.
        call gl.drawArrays or gl.drawElements

That's basically it. It's up to you how to organize your code to accomplish that task.