
question about test

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Apologize me if the question is a little dumb. But I can't figure out what's going on in Is there any learning phase in it? If not how can I test gradient update and if so where does model learn?

MultiTaskSampler, which is responsible for sampling the trajectories, is doing adaptation locally in each worker.

# Sample the training trajectories with the initial policy and adapt the
# policy to the task, based on the REINFORCE loss computed on the
# training trajectories. The gradient update in the fast adaptation uses
# `first_order=True` no matter if the second order version of MAML is
# applied since this is only used for sampling trajectories, and not
# for optimization.
params = None
for step in range(num_steps):
train_episodes = self.create_episodes(params=params,
# QKFIX: Deep copy the episodes before sending them to their
# respective queues, to avoid a race condition. This issue would
# cause the policy pi = policy(observations) to be miscomputed for
# some timesteps, which in turns makes the loss explode.
self.train_queue.put((index, step, deepcopy(train_episodes)))
with self.policy_lock:
loss = reinforce_loss(self.policy, train_episodes, params=params)
params = self.policy.update_params(loss,

So in, you do get both trajectories before and after adaptation with the simple call to MultiTaskSampler. And with a few changes to you can even use different number of gradient steps for adaptation by changing num_steps in your call to sampler.sample().

Thanks, That was really helpful.

Sorry for opening this issue again but after changing num_steps I didn't get better results!!
(number near to MAML show num-batches)

What is the environment? Making sure you get better performance with a larger number of gradient steps at test time is not something I tested.

Sorry for bothering you. It was my mistake. I found out if I lower the learning rate at both test and train time I can get better performance. (my environment is half_cheetah_vel)