
Mapper issue, JSON response in type AnyObject

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I get a response from alamofire of a type JSON like that:

"PDF": [{
"Id": "30",
"Path": "dqzdqdqzdq",
"Nom": "SIO_Ponctuel_E22_14avril2014matin_sujet1_valide.pdf",
"datepublication": "2016-05-30",
"Description": "Niveau 1 PHP",
"id_categorie": "1",
"Id_membre": "1",
"id_reduction": null,
"id_prix": null,
"NbTelechargements": "0"
}, {
"Id": "31",
"Path": "dzqdqzdzq",
"Nom": "2015-2016_Referentiel_RapportActivite_B1_B2.pdf",
"datepublication": "2016-04-25",
"Description": "Niveau 1 HTML5",
"id_categorie": "2",
"Id_membre": "1",
"id_reduction": null,
"id_prix": null,
"NbTelechargements": "0"
}, {
"Id": "32",
"Path": "fdzdqdzqdq",
"Nom": "CV-EPSI.pdf",
"datepublication": "2016-06-04",
"Description": "Niveau 1 WORDPRESS",
"id_categorie": "5",
"Id_membre": "1",
"id_reduction": null,
"id_prix": null,
"NbTelechargements": "0"

and i made the class PDF like that:

import Foundation
import Alamofire
import ObjectMapper

class PDF : Mappable{
var Description: String
var Id: Int
var Nom: String
var Path: String
var datepublication: String
var id_categorie: Int
var id_reduction: Int

func newInstance(map: Map) -> Mappable? {
    return PDF(map)

required init?(_ map: Map) {
    mapping(<#T##map: Map##Map#>)

func mapping(map: Map) {
     Description <- map[""]
     Id <- map[""]
     Nom <- map[""]
     Path <- map[""]
     datepublication <- map[""]
     id_categorie <- map[""]
     id_reduction <- map[""]


and the function which have to parse json in object is:

func loadDataPDF(){

    Alamofire.request(.GET, "URL", encoding:.JSON).responseJSON{
        response in switch response.result{
        case.Success(let JSON):

            print("Success with JSON : \(JSON)")

            do {
               var listePDF = Mapper<PDF>.map(JSON)
            } catch {
        case.Failure(let error):

But the function .map(**) --> does not accept the type "AnyObject", but i can't find a way to get the variable JSON any other type than AnyObject.

If you could answer me that would really great! I'd be so thankful!
You make a great job guys keep going!

The Swift equivalent of that JSON response is:

[[String : [PDF]]]

You have an array of dictionaries (with only one dictionary in it). The one dictionary contains a string that maps to an array of PDFItems with the key "PDF".

To make it work with the existing JSON format:

var listePDF = Mapper<[PDF]>.map(JSON)

class PDF: Mappable {

    var pdf: [PDFItem]?

    required init?(_ map: Map) {


    func mapping(map: Map) {
        pdf <- map["PDF"]

class PDFItem: Mappable {

    var Description: String?
    var Id: Int?
    var Nom: String?
    var Path: String?
    var datepublication: String?
    var id_categorie: Int?
    var id_reduction: Int?

    required init?(_ map: Map) {


func mapping(map: Map) {
         Description <- map["Description"]
         Id <- map["Id"]
         Nom <- map["Nom"]
         Path <- map["Path"]
         datepublication <- map["datepublication"]
         id_categorie <- map["id_categorie"]
         id_reduction <- map["id_reduction"]