
SwiftPM support

Opened this issue · 3 comments

With Swift 3 it would also be nice to add support for SwiftPM

Articles about SwiftPM:

On your add SwiftPM Compatible on top and add section for the installation with SwiftPM.

For anyone who is just looking to parse JSON responses to object instances (seemingly a bigger ask than it feels like it should be in the Swift ecosystem 🤔) and landed here from Google: Alamofire 5 supports responseDecodable (formerly known as requestJSONDecodable) now. Example:

AF.request("").responseDecodable(of: [Item].self) { response in
    self.items = response.value!

So you might not even need this package anymore. That said, I still believe SPM support would be a great feature!

@tristanhimmelman could you add SPM support for this repo?