
Alamofire 4.0.0-beta1 support

Closed this issue ยท 13 comments

- `Alamofire (from ``, branch `swift3`)` required by `Podfile`
- `Alamofire (= 4.0.0)` required by `Podfile.lock`
- `Alamofire (~> 3.2)` required by `AlamofireObjectMapper (3.0.0)`

I am using the swift-3 branch but I'm quite sure it is the same with the master branch.

I have the same problem, could you fix it?

Even if @tristanhimmelman solved it, the ObjectMapper library is not supporting Xcode8b6 yet. So we just have to wait or submit a PR over there I guess :)

ObjectMapper is updated for Beta6 now...

Yes that's why I also opened #128...

There is already a PR...

so is it works now? i tried to install in xcode 8 beta 6 today and xcode still asking to convert code from swift 2 to 3 :| . i download from 'swift3' branch..

So, I am confused. Other issues which reference this problem have been closed.
@tristanhimmelman said he merged another pull request, but that dealt with Beta 6, not this dependency.

So, from what I can see, this swift-3 branch is still not compatible with alamofire's swift-3 branch?

pod 'Alamofire', :git => '', :branch => 'swift3'
pod 'AlamofireObjectMapper', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-3'

Sorry if I am asking something already answered.

Is there a way to manually resolve this?

@tfannon everything should be working once @tristanhimmelman will merge #130.

@Tulleb . Looks like it was working until the most recent commit in Alamofire branch.

@tfannon agree... i've got 94 error in manager.swift

@reza355 well.. i think that is a mistake on the alamofire team's part. i had to delete the manager class ( if you look at the branch, it is not included in the source, yet it IS in the cocoapod).

regardless, even with manager gone, the alamofireobjectmapper still doesn't compile yet.

cheers! here's to when swift 3.0 stops changing :)

@tfannon, @reza355,
The pull request #129 merged by @tristanhimmelman is just bad and incomplete.

If you are using the swift-3 branch, here are the 2 solutions you have at the moment:

  • NOT WORKING: You can wait for @tristanhimmelman to reverse #129 commits and merge #130 instead,
  • WORKING: You can replace your AlamofireObjectMapper pod line from your Podfile by this one:
    pod 'AlamofireObjectMapper', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-3'
    And go back to the original line you had when @tristanhimmelman will merge #130.

Thanks to @bdbergeron for his PR which is working nicely here (Swift 3.0 Xcode 8 Beta 6).

Fixed by #130.
Thanks for the merge @tristanhimmelman :)