
Pods giving compile time error

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getting compile time error on this line mentioned below

<AppPath/AppName>/Pods/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper.swift:49:10: Cannot invoke 'response' with an argument list of type '(queue: dispatch_queue_t?, serializer: GenericResponseSerializer, (_, _, _, _) -> Void)'

<AppPath/AppName>/Pods/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper.swift:98:10: Cannot invoke 'response' with an argument list of type '(queue: dispatch_queue_t?, serializer: GenericResponseSerializer, (_, _, _, _) -> Void)'

I have the same error after update Alamofire (

The parameter "serializer" has been renamed to "responseSerializer" in Alamofire 1.3.0.
I've made a pull request to fix this.

When will they approve it? I need to decide immediately, whether should I go with this library or choose something else :)

Hard to say, a workaround is to add the ObjectMapper dependency of this pod manually:
pod 'ObjectMapper', '~> 0.12'

and import 'AlamofireObjectMapper.swift' in your project (with the parameter fix).

I've merged the pull request, but I am not able to push the Pod at this time. I am getting an error with the Alamofire (~> 1.3) dependency. I will try again a bit later on.

Everything is now fine if you are using Carthage though.

You can always do as @LouisDhauwe suggested if you stuck.

I was able to push the new Pod after this fix:

You should be good to go now using:
pod 'AlamofireObjectMapper', '~> 0.6'

Thanks for quick response, it is working now 👍