
Unable to map multi-dimensional array of JSON response which have key at first but no key in nested arrays with ObjectMapper+Alamofire

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My JSON dictionary:

{"structure_model": [
                    "test": "test"

My model:

class Component: Mappable, Codable {
    var test : String = ""
    required init?(map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        test <- map["test"]

class StructureModel: Mappable, Codable {
    var structureModels :    [Array<Array<Component>>]?
    required init?(map: Map){
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        structureModels   <- map["structure_model"]

What I did:

Alamofire.request(API, method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default).validate().responseObject { (response: DataResponse<StructureModel>) in etc... }

What I expected:

Something like:

structureModels = [ 
    [Component, Component, ...], 
    [Component, Component, ...],
  ] ,
    [Component, Component, ...], 
    [Component, Component, ...], 
  ] ,

What I got:

structureModels = nil