
Object mapper fails to fill response object if JSON response key contains a dot "."

KarthikaReddy opened this issue · 3 comments

Here is sample JSON
"TemplateName": "Test Template",
"template.image.details": {
"image.width": 1024,
"image.height": 1024,
Here is how my Mapper function looks
public func mapping(map: Map) {
templateName <- map["TemplateName"]
details <- map["template.image.details"]
I am getting details object as nil from the Alamofire Object mapper library. I think it is because my JSON response keys contain a "." ("template.image.details"). How can this be fixed?

As ObjectMapper states . is the default delimeter for mapping of nested objects.

Try disabling this feature by mapping the details property like this:

details <- map["template.image.details", nested: false]

Thanks, that worked!!

How can I use this in Alamofire Request responseObject(keyPath)? Say If I want to directly get image.width attribute
Alamofire.request(url).responseObject(keyPath: "template.image.details.image.width") { }
I have tried below code as well but did not work.
Alamofire.request(url).responseObject(keyPath: "template.image.details->image.width") { }

@KarthikaReddy this is probably a question for stackoverflow
But given the fact that you have . in your JSON, I think that this is not possible.