
Updating podspec to swift 5

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Since the 6.0 and master are using Alamofire 5.0 beta (which uses swift 5 since beta 4), isn't it possible to do a quick release or update master to use the last version of Alamofire ?

Currently the lib still uses swift 4.2 which prevents us from updating our library to swift 5.

Hello @tirrorex
Could you please check if the issue is reproducing with AlamofireObjectMapper 6.1.0? This version works fine in Swift 5 projects.

Hello, @RomanPodymov i can tell you just by looking at the commits that it will not pass the lint process (some changes i made in my branch are missing).
The library compiling in a project and linting it as a dependency are two separated things ;)

Hello @tirrorex
What error do you get on pod spec lint?

6.2.0 should resolve this issue