
Alternative keys for the same property

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Your JSON dictionary:

  "name": "ObjectMapper",
"userName" : "John Doe"

Your model:

class User :  Mappable{

	var userName : String?

	func mapping(map: Map) {
		userName <- map["userName"]

What you expected:

Is there any way to let ObjectMapper support multiple keys for the same property in the Model ?
Because the server APIs of different teams may return different fields to represent the same property in App. So there is a strong demand to support this scene. YYModel of Objective-C also support this function.

func mapping(map: Map) {
	userName <- map["userName", "user_name"]

@xiaolinghuEr you can work your way around this by using something like this in your implementation of mapping(map:) function:

func mapping(map: Map) {
    userName <- map["userName"]
    if userName == nil {
        userName <- map["user_name"]