
Undefined array key "_originalIdentifier" in CopyService.php line 299

Closed this issue · 4 comments

With TYPO3 11.5.16, EXT:form 11.5.16 and PHP 8.0.18 an error occurs when a form with repeatable form elements is submitted. Issue might be caused by PHP 8.0.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Insert attached sample form.yaml on page ([Test])(
  2. Go to frontend, fill out form and put at least 2 values in repeatable container
  3. Submit form

Result: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "_originalIdentifier" in /var/www/html/packages/repeatable_form_elements/Classes/Service/CopyService.php line 299

Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-07 um 15 26 40

I have the same issue - when will the fix from asakurayoh (thank you by the way) be merged in master?

Could you please merge the fix from asakurayoh?

same error here.

I've just merged the patch. Thank you guys for bringing this up to our attention.