
Upcoming release - 3.x

efegurkan opened this issue · 17 comments

Hey everyone,

We are in process of rewriting the workers with jest-worker in favor of simplifying the code base and getting rid of the zombie leftover process issues.

You can try and give feedback on our latest alpha release currently: 3.0.0-alpha.2. Keep in mind it is still in progress a lot of things are not working as expected.

We will drop support for some features initially. Either because of we don't have any internal usages left for it or some features that were coming from node-worker-farm does not exist on jest-worker. Some of them we may re-introduce in time. If you are relying on that features you can still use 2.x versions. PR's and feedback are very much appreciated as always.



Excited to hear this. Waited long time for this. Which branch has the code ?

@gs-akhan i updated issue. Keep in mind it may change a lot.

Sure, Looking for contributions ? I can assist.
We have use case where we have to to build 70+ builds in parallel.


Any plans to support webpack 4 in this release? I found out that there's no way to set the mode option.

@MrStarktastic ultimately we will move to webpack 4 at some point so yes this is going to work with webpack 4 as well.

Currently you can actually use it with webpack 4 if you set mode through config. Not sure if CLI works yet.

Tried 3.0.0-alpha.2, getting error due to trailing commas on bin files(run.js)


@gbhasha you are using old Node version.

@gbhasha Thanks, I will release a new version with a fix this week hopefully If I find time, with some other changes.

@mike1808 in theory we should support node 6.x so it is a legit problem

Thanks again both :)

@efegurkan I see that you are dropping support for webpack watch. Is there another process you guys are using instead like webpack-dev-server/middleware?

pago commented

Hi @justinhp , we've setup our build to only build one of our targets in development mode and are using parallel-webpack and the multi-variant build only when building for production. For the normal development workflow, we're simply using webpack directly (watch mode or dev-server).

@pago Thanks for the info! Yeah, we use the parallel-webpack watch mode bc we pull out our header and footer of our main site into their own header-footer app which we slap on some legacy pages/sites as we move through our redesign. So it's nice if we're doing header/footer work to only load up the header-footer app locally and also to make sure that everything still functions and then switch back to the main site app to make sure that it's working as well.

Is there any activity on this? Is there anything that I can help with testing in order to get this out of alpha?

@monkpit currently we are updating our webpack to v4 this will probably be finished after that.

Wondering whether there is a chance to support multiple process.env settings for each parallel build e.g. it would be useful to be able to build client and server in parallel for a universal/SSR app. To be able to selected e.g. different BROWSERSLIST_ENV settings for each instance would be very helpful.

@efegurkan Any updates on this?

@efegurkan Wondering about webpack 4 as well. Any updates?

I don't work on this project anymore since a while. Sorry if I caused any trouble. On the other hand trivago people known for being friendly and open for the PR's etc. If someone wants to take over maybe it would be great :)

Sorry if I caused troubles