
Cannot log in

crides opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Hi, the login for the commandline app is not working. By following this link provided by the commandline app by using :login, but after I enter the accout information, Google tells me:

Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app

This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.

From Google:

External apps that request sensitive or restricted user data must first be verified by Google. This process may take 4-6 weeks. In addition, if you selected restricted scopes, you'll need to go through an independent security review, which can cost USD $15k-$75k.

For now, only 100 users can sign-in (already at 100/100).

In order to submit the app for review, lots of requirements have to be met: what are the requirements for verification?

I'm not sure yet if to send the app for review.

The best way around this (that most similar apps use) is to allow the user to register their own API project in their own GCP accounts, and set the client_id and client_secret somewhere a config or source file. That way each user has their own rate limit and signup quota of 100 users.

Is something like that currently possible with youtube-viewer? Where are the client tokens stored?

Added support for changing the client ID and client secret values in 3292f49.

Can someone test this to see if it actually works? Thanks!

I will test momentarily :)

Okay confirmed - it works just fine! From both youtube-viewer and gtk3-youtube-viewer I was able to access and modify subscriptions using my own OpenID app, which is all the evidence I need.

(Actually, slightly unrelated question - I know I can use :subscribe=i from the CLI client to add a subscription, but I can't figure out how to just view videos from my subscriptions in the CLI, the way I can with gtk3-youtube-viewer by using "My Panel". Any hints?)

Thank you very much for testing! A new version will be tagged soon.

For viewing subscriptions in the CLI version, try:

$ youtube-viewer -S     # subscription channels
$ youtube-viewer -SV    # subscription videos (slow)

See also: #191

Trizen, I've added a note to the official Arch package that, on install or upgrade, requests that users who are able create their own credentials and references

I cannot create OAuth 2.0 credentials because in the OAuth consent screen I cannot check internal because I am not a g-suite user? What am I doing wrong here?


The User Type should be External.