
A simple CLI tool and API wrapper for the Windcentrale API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Windcentrale API and CLI tool

This repository contains a simple API class and CLI tool to access the data provided by Windcentrale winddelen ("windshares"). This makes it possible to get the produced energy per wind mill almost realtime.

How to use the CLI tool

To use the Windcentrale API class in your own code, see below.

  • Download or clone this repository and run a composer install.
  • Run ./windcentrale to view all available commands.
  • Run ./windcentrale mills to get an overview of the available mills.
  • Run ./windcentrale production <mill_short_name> to get the production data of the given mill.
  • Run ./windcentrale mill_data <mill_short_name> to get the mill data of the given mill.
  • Run ./windcentrale details <mill_short_name> to get the both the production and mill data of the given mill.

For example ./windcentrale production jongeheld will return the current production data of the mill 'De Jonge Held'.

Using the export function

By default invoking the command will return the results optimized for viewing it from the console. However, there are various possible methods of 'consuming' the data by passing the --export option. This can, for example, be used to automate the process of reading the data.

Name Description
pretty The default export method. Will print a nice table in your console with some of the values made a bit more readable.
cli Output the data in its most basic form.
json Output the data as a JSON string.
influx When correctly configured in config.yml the various datapoints are being written to an Influx database. No output is returned.

For example ./windcentrale production jongeheld --export=json will output the production data in a JSON string.

MQTT Daemon

When running ./windcentrale mqtt-daemon jongeheld a long running process is started that will publish two messages to the configured MQTT Broker every five seconds, one with the mill data and one with te production per windshare. The used topics are windcentale/{mill-slug}/production and windcentale/{mill-slug}/mill (for example: windcentrale/jongeheld/production). The body of the message contains the same output JSON output as the production and mill_data commands.

In order to use the MQTT daemon, the Mosquitto PHP Wrapper must be installed.

Using the Windcentrale API Class

To use the Windcentrale API class to get the requested data as a Collection to use in your own scripts, you can create a new instance of trizz\WindcentraleApi\Windcentrale. At this moment a Collection must be passed as constructor argument, containing the parsed settings.yml, but it must have at least the urls part.

$settings = new Illuminate\Support\Collection(['urls' => [
    'production' => 'https://zep-api.windcentrale.nl/production/%d', 
    'mill_data' => 'https://zep-api.windcentrale.nl/production/%d/live', 

$windcentraleApi = new \trizz\WindcentraleApi\Windcentrale($settings);
// Mill ID 2 is 'De Jonge Held'.
$data = $windcentraleApi->getProductionData(2);


You can use Vagrant (vagrant up) to start a VM containing all necessary dependencies to run all possible commands. You can access Grafana at with username/password admin.


Parts of the Windcentrale API code is based on the original Perl script made by damonnk. It provided a great starting point for creating this code.