
Trouble getting desec to work

Gontier-Julien opened this issue ยท 18 comments

So i've moved away from ddclient and came across your project.

I tried to get it working, but i don't really know why it does Error code 50: Authentication failure

Ddclient config:

daemon=300      # check every 300 seconds (5min)
syslog=yes      # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/       # record PID in file
# Desec
use=web, web=''

My inadyn config:

period          = 300
user-agent      = Mozilla/5.0

# We override checkip server with the In-a-dyn built-in 'default',
#, for details on this, see below.
provider {
    username       =
    password       = TOKEN
    hostname       =
    checkip-server = default

Inadyn logs from docker:

inadyn[1]: In-a-dyn version 2.10.0 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
inadyn[1]: Failed resolving hostname Name does not resolve
inadyn[1]: Update forced for alias, new IP# MYIP
inadyn[1]: Fatal error in DDNS server response: Authentication failure
inadyn[1]: Error response from DDNS server, exiting!
inadyn[1]: Error code 50: Authentication failure

Hi, support for is relatively new (not released yet), so it's great that you help out testing it!

Our current plugin uses, but according to the docs the update URL should be ... I can push a speculative fix for you to test, but it would be great if you could first verify, using the same settings, with curl:

curl --user <your domain>:<your token secret> ""

Oh well happy to help testing it!

And i can confirm that the curl command is working perfectly and without issues !

Edit: it also working with

Hmm OK, that was a bit unexpected ... expected the /update.php one to be the problem.

Hmm OK, that was a bit unexpected ... expected the /update.php one to be the problem.

But it true that changing the endpoint to not have the update.php would be better if it might change in the futur

Right, I'll fix that. Can you check one last thing? The curl line was from their docs, the following is closer to what the In-a-dyn plugin does:

curl ""

Optionally with this

curl --user <your domain>:<your token secret> ""

Both is working on my side

Awesome, I've just pushed fixes. Check for completion before you download a new build (container). If you build from source you can pull right now.

Also, remember to use "" or '' around your username/password settings in the .conf file. Sometimes the libConfuse parser tries to to interpret the contents.

Awesome, I've just pushed fixes. Check for completion before you download a new build (container). If you build from source you can pull right now.

Also, remember to use "" or '' around your username/password settings in the .conf file. Sometimes the libConfuse parser tries to to interpret the contents.

Awesome going to test it when the new build is finish !

Still the same issue unfortunately :(

With or without "" '' around the username/password

Oh no, whatever could this be?! Just to be clear, it's this you mean:

inadyn[1]: Fatal error in DDNS server response: Authentication failure
inadyn[1]: Error response from DDNS server, exiting!

Could you try running with -l debug as command line options and post the result? (Make sure to anonymize the output)

inadyn[1]: In-a-dyn version 2.11.0-rc1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
inadyn[1]: Resolving hostname => IP# MYIP
inadyn[1]: Get address for
inadyn[1]: Checking for IP# change, initiating HTTPS ...
inadyn[1]: Checking for IP# change, connecting to[]:443)
inadyn[1]: Certificate OK
inadyn[1]: SSL server cert subject: CN=*
inadyn[1]: SSL server cert issuer: C=GB,ST=Greater Manchester,L=Salford,O=Sectigo Limited,CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
inadyn[1]: Querying DDNS checkip server for my public IP#: GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
inadyn[1]: Successfully sent HTTPS request!
inadyn[1]: Successfully received HTTPS response (130/8191 bytes)!
inadyn[1]: Server response: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 16:40:59 GMT
Vary: Origin
inadyn[1]: Checked my IP, return code 0: OK
inadyn[1]: IP server response:
inadyn[1]: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 16:40:59 GMT
Vary: Origin
inadyn[1]: Checking IPv4 address MYIP ...
inadyn[1]: IPv4 address MYIP is valid.
inadyn[1]: No IP# change detected for, still at MYIP
inadyn[1]: Update forced for alias, new IP# MYIP
inadyn[1]: Sending IP# update to DDNS server, initiating HTTPS ...
inadyn[1]: Sending IP# update to DDNS server, connecting to[]:443)
inadyn[1]: Certificate OK
inadyn[1]: SSL server cert subject:
inadyn[1]: SSL server cert issuer: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=R3
inadyn[1]: Sending alias table update to DDNS server: GET /? HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
inadyn[1]: Successfully sent HTTPS request!
inadyn[1]: Successfully received HTTPS response (292/8191 bytes)!
inadyn[1]: DDNS server response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 16:41:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 35
Connection: close
WWW-Authenticate: Token
Vary: Origin
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
No password URL parameter provided.
inadyn[1]: Fatal error in DDNS server response: Authentication failure
inadyn[1]: No password URL parameter provided.
inadyn[1]: Error response from DDNS server, exiting!
inadyn[1]: Error code 50: Authentication failure

I've found what wrong!
There is a typo in the plugin at the password section!

Line 28 & 38

Ha ha ha, you're right! Fixing right away :-D

Also not related to this issue, but since the latest tag in docker is from the commits, wouldn't it be better to have a git specific tag and the latest tag to pull the latest version number?

Yeah, I'm really bad at docker stuff, mostly faked the current workflows by cut-and-paste. Your suggestion sounds great, do you mind posting that as a separate issue?

Yeah, I'm really bad at docker stuff, mostly faked the current workflows by cut-and-paste. Your suggestion sounds great, do you mind posting that as a separate issue?

Doing this right away!

Really hope it works better now. Pushing the fix auto-closed the issue, but if the problem persists we can reopen it.