
issue with starting console from portainer

Sectorchan opened this issue · 1 comments


I have portainer want want to console connection to the Inadyn container.
I go to "Local - Container - Inadyn (Containername) - Container Status ->_Console.

Once I click on connect it instantly closes the window. Is it possible that the image doesnt have a console?

Hows intented for the user to perform, if no docker console is provided?

inadyn[1]: Communication with checkip server failed, run again with 'inadyn -l debug' if problem persists

The default entrypoint for the container image is the inadyn binary. I don't know what portainer use as the default shell (probably bash) when they give you "console" access, but you should be able to override it to use /bin/sh instead, which is the default in all Alpine Linux based containers.

I've just double checked this with the latest release, and it works, so this is not an Inadyn issue. I suggest you read up on the portainer docs or ask there. Good Luck!