
wrong ddns server for

mia0x75 opened this issue · 2 comments

Right now, inadyn sends the GET request to the dynu's update server, like this

GET /nic/update?

according to the official document, the correct query parameter should be myipv6 here.

config file:

provider {
    username = 'my-username'
    password = 'my-password'
    hostname = ''
    checkip-command = "/sbin/ip -6 addr | grep inet6 | awk -F '[ \t]+|/' '{print $3}' | grep -v ^::1 | grep -v ^fe80"

Dynu support was added by a 3rd party. I have no means of testing any fixes, so please include relevant documentation/url so we can verify your claims.

Your patch to fix the issue is also welcome, of course.

Fixed in 4aa8af5, PR #479.