
RFC 2136/RFC 3007 Updates

chapmajs opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for providing a great product that happens to have a corresponding NetBSD pkgsrc build! It's in binary packages for a lot of platforms and I've been using it with dynamic DNS for a while.

I have recently configured a BIND9 server for our Macs to update to with the "Dynamic Global Hostname" feature built into MacOS. This system uses RFC 2136/RFC 3007 updates, similar to using nsupdate. The BIND9 server is configured with allowed TSIG parameters and records are dynamically inserted and removed as needed. My questions are:

  1. Do any of the current plugins support this? My quick lookthrough says "no" but I have not dug deeply into this project's codebase

  2. If this is not yet supported, is it a desirable feature? I can probably implement it and send a PR.

I think #234 is referring to this update method, but I am not 100% sure, so I asked on the #234 issue thread for clarification.

I actually would really like to see RFC2136-style updates possible, as I too have a DNS server I’d like to update..