
Add support for validating IPv4/IPV6 address

abelbeck opened this issue · 4 comments

First, great tool ! We had a request for sipcalc for our project, but your adaptation seems perfect.

Is it time to make 2.0.1 official ?

A minor point, the automatic symlink creation of ipcalc is unwanted in our case, we use the Busybox flavor /bin/ipcalc in scripts, so we had to skip your Makefile target install to eliminate /usr/bin/ipcalc confusion.

A suggestion, add options to validate IPv4/IPv6 addresses ...

-c  Validate the IPv4 address, returns non-zero on invalid address, no output
-C  Validate the IPv6 address, returns non-zero on invalid address, no output

Thank your for netcalc.

Thank you for the kind words!

Hmm, yeah I should probably invest some time in this project to add the few features I've been thinking about, and push out a new release.

Good idea, I'll look into adding a configure --disable-ipcalc-symlink option.

It's always a good idea to put separate feature requests into separate issues ... or do you have a pull-request for me waiting in the wings? 😏

No PR waiting in the wings, but you may hear from me again :-)

We currently use some obfuscated bash code to calculate dnsmasq DHCP lease ranges, if netcalc needs an option to make this more straightforward to calculate I'll be sure to share it.

Merged, closing issue and starting to prepare next major release, v2.1. I'll start by bumping to v2.1-beta1, in case you have any more pull requests lined up ;-)


Sound good.