
PIMD package should be target system independent (e.g. in regard MAXVIFS)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In my option a package should, as a goal, be target system independent. I know that is never 100% possible.

So back to the MAXVIFS example

In the actual situation the correct PIMD behavoir depends on the MAXVIFS settings:

  • in "ip_mroute.h" on the development machine
  • "ip_mroute.h" on the target system
  • the settings is
  • the ./configure call ( --with-max-vifs=^xx^)
  • the settings in the ports make file (CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --localstatedir=/var --with-max-vifs=^xx^

IMHO that is wrong and makes the package target-system-settings depended, which is IMHO very bad !!

I am not 100% sure it is possible, but what should IMHO the solution is:

  • start pimd
  • ask the OS for its actual maxvifs number
  • create the needed struct-arrays using the maxvifs as obtained from the OS
  • do the "pimd-job"

Of course there is history, and multiple os, etc

Never the less,


Remember #178? That was the last straw for me, really. After that I (as sole maintainer of the project), explicitly changed the status of other operating systems from equal status to Linux to not supported anymore. Meaning, I as maintainer will not spend any more time on breaking my back trying to support them.

This is stated plain as day in the README now:

pimd is primarily developed on Linux and should work as-is out of the box on all major distributions.
Other UNIX variants (OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Illumos) may also work, but are not supported anymore.

For over 10 years I had the goal to support other systems and be as independent as possible. But I cannot do it alone and will not let other people dictate what are goals for my own project. If you do not agree with this, there's a button on top called "Fork" that you can press and then start maintaining and supporting all the systems you like.