
Misleading "Sending 8192 bytes" log messages

Closed this issue · 2 comments

l29ah commented

On the debug log level, uftpd sends only one or two Sending 8192 bytes messages, even though it in fact sends much more data over the data connection.

OK. Patches welcoome

Turns out this is by design, I had completely forgot about it. The idea was to throttle output to stdout/syslog for large files:


Lines 1060 to 1065 in 889d886

gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
if (tv.tv_sec - ctrl->tv.tv_sec > 3) {
DBG("Sending %zd bytes of %s to %s ...", num, ctrl->file, ctrl->clientaddr);
ctrl->tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;

I'm going to close with wontfix on this issue, but any redesign to make this better is of course welcome as a pull request. I have no interest though in changing this myself.