
Non-team mode freezes on draw

Opened this issue · 8 comments

In non-team mode, successfully defending the last attack causes the game to freeze.

Under what circumstances does this happen? Please, give more detailed explanation (to allow the issue be easily reproduced).

Was observed in 3 player mode for sure. Say last 2 players have 1 card each, and the attack is beaten (therefore should be a draw).
Draw is correctly handled in 4-player team mode if that helps.

0.2.9 on Android from F-Droid.

ildar commented


ildar commented

Thanks! Will start working on it.

Confirmed. Starting investigation (but it's hard to reproduce since the games rarely end in a draw).

Confirmed. Starting investigation (but it's hard to reproduce since the games rarely end in a draw).

Surely for you it would be easier to initialize the game with the required state?

Probably yes, but a kind of 'debug mode' has to be added for it. Thanks for suggestion, it would be a useful feature.