
Importing a 128 character privately

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I could not find any documentation on importing 128 character private key. Is there a way to specify a 128 char is being input during an import wallet process?

I tried importing a 128 character pk but it generates a different wallet than expected.

Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!

Could you provide a private key demo, or which tool you used to create a private key?

@simbadMarino Java-tron only support private keys with 64 hexadecimal letters, namely 256 bit, like F43EBCC94E6C257EDBE559183D1A8778B2D5A08040902C0F0A77A3343A1D0EA5, case doesn't matter. Are your 128 characters in hexadecimal?

Hello again, thanks for the follow up. This is a PK generated from tron watch wallet back in the day, it is indeed in HEX, It is a valid PK, It does not have any valuable assets so we are fine to publicly share it here:


Is there a way to convert this to 64 hex ?
If yes we will use the recommended method to transform the valid PK we want to recover

@simbadMarino This is not a valid private key, as the length is not 64 hex. You can generate key as following:

As a reference the community member managed to finally import its private key using an old tronlink version:

Any plans to implement legacy support for 128 char private key importing? As this was indeed possible in the past in Tronlink we should have an official way to import such kind of private keys.

Thank you!

Sry, 128-bit private keys are not supported currently. If support is planned in the future, we will notify you here.