
`ResourceCrud` does not always respect global `path`

marshall007 opened this issue · 1 comments

  path: '/sources',
  url: env.URL,
export class SourceResource extends ResourceCRUD<{}, ISource, ISource> { }

const sources = new SourceResource();
sources.query(); // -> GET /sources
sources.get({ id: 'foo' }); // -> GET /foo

Workaround is to just include the path in the url:

  url: `${env.URL}/sources`,
export class SourceResource extends ResourceCRUD<{}, ISource, ISource> { }

sources.get({ id: 'foo' }); // -> GET /sources/foo

Yes, because the resource crud methods already have there's path.
Not a lot time ago I have added new param pathPrefix which is solving your case.
Simply use like that:

  url: env.URL,
  pathPrefix: '/sources'
export class SourceResource extends ResourceCRUD<{}, ISource, ISource> { }

I will close the issue.
Feel free to create new with other questions or proposals.