
Post string to body

chigivigi opened this issue · 2 comments


I am sending a post request with a data of string type in body. The string is being transformed to an object of characters.
data = "Hello"
body after prepareDataParams function = {0: "H", 1: "e", 2: "l", 3: "l", 4: "o"}
Please add prepareDataParams override method in RequestAction so we can customize the code inside it.
We tried bodySerializer method in our ResourceAction but it already gets rewritten data.

Thank you in advance

Hello @JureFadiga1
Thank you for the issue.
I will try to check and implement that case for you ASAP.

Hello all.

I've released some kind of beta of new library which is called rest-core + rest-ngx.
Please check them rest-core and rest-ngx.

It works the way like ngx-resource but has a lot of breaking changes.
Something was removed or simplified.

I've migrated all my projects to the new library.
If you wish to switch to HttpClient or use some other http handlers like fetch try to migrate your projects to the lib.

Bugs and help requests are welcome in corresponding repos.


PS: Since ngx-resource is no longer supported by me, closing the issue.