
Not able to take a picture

Closed this issue · 12 comments

Here it's the code:

var RaspiCam = require("raspicam");

var camera = new RaspiCam({mode: "photo", delay: 0, quality: 100, filepath: "/home/pi/"});


@imahumanfly thanks for the heads up. Have been slammed with other things of late, but will try to take a look in the next few days. Recently did an overhaul and want to introduce Grunt controlled node-unit testing to make sure breakages like this don't occur any more! I'll ping you when there's an update...

hey any updates on this?

@imahumanfly have you found a solution and is it a permissions thing?

hey @thegregthomp @imahumanfly sorry for the delay, i havent had a moment to look at this in two weeks. i really need to get refactored, tested, and humming again in the next few days... i'll ping you when it's production ready again.

Photo mode and video mode seem to be disabled.

If you look at the code there's a case statement for each, and those two do nothing:

    case "photo":
      console.log('raspicam taking a still');


    case 'video':


I forked the code tonight just so I could get the photo mode going on my project. It's here if anyone wants it:
It probably introduces bugs with default values for timelapse mode, as those were causing raspistill crashes for me

OK, finally had time to come back to this. Should be in working order now, at least for photo and video.

I've overhauled the implementation to be much closer to the native raspistill and raspivideo commands. Take a look at the updated README.

Let me know if you're still having issues.

did some adjustments in the last hour. Version 0.2.6 is stable.

yeah, I noticed that the video and stills weren't even coded out. Good job, I rewrote my own off of what you did and added a few little extras I needed. I have it working off of a push button currently.


I've actually built this out for a class Im teaching to architects. We're trying to build out a full open source stack for doing architecture with connected objects.

Check out to get a better picture and let me know if you want to chat more. It's in progress but should be much more clear what we're up to in the next two weeks.

Also, we're doing a hack in New York on Oct 12... In case anyone's in town, invite is open!

On Sep 30, 2013, at 10:53 AM, thegregthomp wrote:

yeah, I noticed that the video and stills weren't even coded out. Good job, I rewrote my own off of what you did and added a few little extras I needed. I have it working off of a push button currently.

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Looks interesting, Alot of the stuff I've been doing recently surrounds automation etc. I'm a web developer by nature and more of a hobbyist as far as embedded electronics goes but I've done some interesting things so far. I'm really investing some time in a node platform for web to device... mainly built around a MEAN stack.

@thegregthomp Cool! I've been bombarded by things about AngularJS lately, but I've yet to jump into it. I have been Backbone partial for a while, but I like the idea of the MEAN stack - I'm already steeped in the other three.

In case you're interested in coming up to New York for a day, here's more on the hack.