

Opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Abstract
  • Intro
  • Theory and analysis of the solution
  • Implementation
  • Examples
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

I've put up a first draft of this report on the shared drive folder.

Copied the drive contents into a skeleton for the report. branch, report

I use a package that associates colors to TODO items:

  • green -> stubs for future work
  • purple -> maybe include?
  • others, defined here

Latex has a really steep learning curve (and I'm pretty sure the template I'm using has some deprecated packages...) so we can keep writing in the gdoc and I'll c/p stuff here as needed. That said, if you do want to get latex up and running I can point you in the right direction ⬆️

Oh yeah! I made some graphics for the encode / decode process, too.


Sweet flow charts. What did you make them with?

I looked into Latex and you're right. The setup and learning curve is too much for this finals week, so I'll continue to contribute via Google Docs and will notify you on messenger when I make additions, so you can bring the pdf up to date.