
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

1. References

[1] Attention Is All You Need: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762
[2] Github: https://github.com/pbcquoc/vietocr
[3] Github: https://github.com/VinhLoiIT/vietnamese-htr

2. Dataset

2.1 Todo

2.2 Structure of Configs

    ├── annotation/
    |       |
    |       └──cin/
    |           |
    │           ├── train.txt
    |           ├── val.txt
    │           └── test.txt
    └── images/
            ├── image1.jpg
            ├── image2.jpg
            ├── ...
            └── imagen.jpg

    |── vgg_seq2seq.yml
    └── vgg_transformer.yml

2.3 Download

  • Cinnamon: Handwriting OCR for Vietnamese Address
  • HANDS-VNOnDB: Vietnamese Online Handwriting Database

3. Pretrained Weights

4. Usage

4.1 Todo

  • Predicting with batch images.
  • Experience with other backbones (vgg11, vgg19, resnet50, resnext50).

4.2 Usage

  • Training
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<cuda_indice> python train.py --config config/vgg_transformer.yml
  • Testing
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<cuda_indice> python test.py --config config/vgg_transformer.yml
  • Predicting
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<cuda_indice> python predict.py --config config/vgg_transformer.yml --image <image_path>

5. Performance

6. Explaination