
Example of React Event Handling

DrYSG opened this issue · 3 comments

DrYSG commented

Any chance of adding to the readme a simple React Event Handling example?

I am getting the error:

jquery.js:3855 Uncaught Error: Expected onClick listener to be a function, instead got type string

Basically, I am trying to create an event handler for the JSX template. But it seems to be putting in a string instead of a function handle.

I also would really like to use the new 0.14 syntax for defining classes, but I don't see where to put the handler.

Anyway, below is where I am now, and the issue is not the rendering, it is the

button onClick={this.handleClick}


function activateLasers(e) {
    alert("lasers on");

function creator() {

    t7.module(function (t7) {

        const Wrapper = props => (
              <Inner name=${} />
        Wrapper.displayName = "Wrapper";
        Wrapper.propTypes = {
            name: React.PropTypes.string

        class Inner extends React.Component {
            handleClick() {
                console.log('this is:', this);

            render() {
            return t7`
              <button onClick={this.handleClick}>
                    Activate Lasers
        Inner.displayName = "Inner";
        Inner.propTypes = {
            name: React.PropTypes.string

            "Wrapper": Wrapper,
            "Inner": Inner

            t7`<Wrapper name="YSG"/>`,

DrYSG commented

Silly me, (see below for the fix). But I would still like to see some updated examples, using the new const creator, as well as other JSX type things such as maps, propTypes, etc.


function activateLasers(e) {
    alert("lasers on");

function creator() {

    t7.module(function (t7) {

        const Wrapper = props => (
              <Inner name=${} />
        Wrapper.displayName = "Wrapper";
        Wrapper.propTypes = {
            name: React.PropTypes.string

        class Inner extends React.Component {
            constructor(props) {
                this.state = { isToggleOn: true };

                // This binding is necessary to make `this` work in the callback
                this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

            handleClick(e) {
                this.setState(prevState => ({
                    isToggleOn: !prevState.isToggleOn

            render() {
                return t7`
              <button onClick=${this.handleClick}>
                    ${this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
        Inner.displayName = "Inner";
        Inner.propTypes = {
            name: React.PropTypes.string

            "Wrapper": Wrapper,
            "Inner": Inner

            t7`<Wrapper name="YSG"/>`,

@DrYSG You're totally right and I'm eager to add maintainers to this project to help with all these areas, if you'd like to contribute (as I really lack the time these days), please feel free to jump onto the Inferno Slack and ping me there when I'm around. (t7 and Inferno share the same slack).

DrYSG commented

Unfortunately, my company blocks Slack from our offices.