
Dapp won't load after basic initialisation

listenlight opened this issue · 10 comments

Hello, please forgive my newbity on posting issues.

I am following the basic initialisation tutorial on the Truffle site— I get an error I can only begin to describe with a screenshot. The app freezes on the "Loading dapp" junction.

node v8.11.3 (LTS)
npm 5.6.0

latest truffle and ganache-cli installed last night (Aug 2, 2018). Thank you for any and all help, and of course, for all the free and awesome software.

screen shot 2018-08-03 at 6 52 16 pm

I wonder if this is relevant...

[drizzle (master)]$ node -v
[drizzle (master)]$ npm -v

   │                                     │
   │   Update available 6.2.0 → 6.3.0    │
   │     Run npm i -g npm to update      │
   │                                     │

Try running in a browser without MetaMask (like Incognito, or disable the MetaMask extension).

Make sure you are connecting to the same port ganache runs on. Also, when using metamask, connect to your local testnet.

pors commented

For development, it's fine to connect to Ganache, but in production, we need to rely on MetaMask connecting to mainnet right? Does that actually work?

@pors yes it works, but you need to make sure your project is properly configured. Also check out this part of the docs.

pors commented

@adrianmcli thanks Adrian. I'll give that a try!

@tidelake are you still having this issue? It's a silly reason, but the instructions in step 4 of the README were incorrect and would lead to the error you're seeing if you followed the guide and typed compile and migrate in the same window you ran ganache-cli.

@joshma91 I've not used redux/drizzle since then. I'm just working with react & solidity for now. Thank you. Also learned a fair bit about managing nvm/node/npm since then. I may have had 2 or 3 node installations at the time. Now I use only nvm. Thank you.

@tidelake no problem! Thanks for the prompt reply.
@adrianmcli I think this can be closed now.
