
Browser performance benchmarking tool for Milmove

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MilMove Browser Benchmarking

This repository contains code written to run browser based performance benchmarking for the MilMove application.

The browser benchmarking tool relies on Puppeteer for automation using the Chrome browser, along with Lighthouse and the devtools api to gather relevant metrics.

License Information

Works created by U.S. Federal employees as part of their jobs typically are not eligible for copyright in the United States. In places where the contributions of U.S. Federal employees are not eligible for copyright, this work is in the public domain. In places where it is eligible for copyright, such as some foreign jurisdictions, the remainder of this work is licensed under the MIT License, the full text of which is included in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository.


The benchmarking tool previously lived inside of the mymove repository. Documentation for its use are available on the wiki.


The benchmarking tool is written in Javascript so it requires Node to be installed (version specified in .node-version currently matches what's in mymove) along with Yarn for managing dependencies.

If you've already setup the mymove app you should already have these pre-requisites.

To install the required packages simply run yarn install in your terminal from this directory.