
Python 3 compatibility

Closed this issue · 13 comments

haplo commented

Python 2.7 has now reached EOL, this project should be updated to run on a recent Python 3 version ASAP. I'm going to work on it, please let me know if there is anything I should know before I dive in.

Does anybody know the status of Python 3 support for trezor-agent? Should I look at their code for porting fixes?

@haplo python-onlykey which is required for onlykey-agent was recently updated for python 3 compatibility, onlykey-agent may run now on python 3, we haven't had time to test it out yet. If you want to test it out that would be great!

haplo commented

It doesn't currently work, I originally installed onlykey-agent with pip3 but it failed to start because of an old-style print without parentheses.

I will start working on a python3 branch.

haplo commented

Today I upgraded to Kubuntu 20.04, which drops support for Python 2, and only after the fact I realized that onlykey-agent had stopped working. I have a branch with python3 support for onlykey-agent, but turns out that the onlykey Python library is also Python 2-exclusive.

Python 2 is not supported anymore, so I think onlykey should support only Python 3.5 and newer.

@haplo I am working on the new onlykey-agent which we are looking to be made part of trezor agent - romanz#303

Its not ready yet though, help on this would be appreciated. The reason its taking so long is I am adding support for both selectable ECC keys (in addition to the derived keys) and RSA, and GPG support. I will push my latest changes later today.

I have not tested backwards compatibility with the old SSH agent yet

@haplo To test

Git clone this branch

pip install trezor-agent/
pip install trezor-agent/agents/onlykey/

and this

pip install python-onlykey/

The default now is ed25519 though, this used to be nist256p1 so to use that do

onlykey-agent test@domain -e nist256p1 -c

haplo commented

@onlykey I have pushed several changes to #21 , the onlykey-agent is working for me with these changes and with this fix to python-onlykey.

Please note that I haven't checked for Python 2.7 compatibility with these new changes, but I think Python 3 compatibility should have very high priority as more and more users will stop having Python 2 readily available.

haplo commented

I understand that the main focus now is the merge in trezor-agent, but consider making one release of onlykey-agent pinning the python-onlykey version to the current one, then making a new Python 3-compatible python-onlykey release and release onlykey-agent with that version and these Python 3 fixes. That would help people like me who found onlykey-agent didn't work without Python 2. README could be updated to instruct people to install the last Python 2-compatible release.

@haplo Understood, I plan to release the new one next week. If you have time to test it out it should be backwards compatible with the old onlykey agent

$ git clone
$ pip install python-onlykey/
$ git clone -b onlykey-agent-merge
$ pip install trezor-agent/
$ pip install trezor-agent/agents/onlykey

We do now default to ed25519 keys instead of nist256p1 so if you used to do this:

onlykey-agent user@host -c

you would now do this:

onlykey-agent user@host -c -e nist256p1

if you used to do this:

onlykey-agent user@host -c -e ed25519

you would now do this:

onlykey-agent user@host -c

haplo commented

I finally found some time to try out the trezor-agent version. I think the new agent forces the key id to be in the form user@host, whereas the previous agent didn't. My key was just host, and now it fails with this error:

$ onlykey-agent -v host -- ssh user@host tmux attach
2020-07-29 20:08:38,036 INFO         identity #0: <ssh://host|ed25519>                                                          []
2020-07-29 20:08:38,048 INFO         running ['ssh', 'user@host', 'tmux', 'attach'] with {'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/tmp/trezor-ssh-agent-ip1m8qm6', 'SSH_AGENT_PID': '326994'} []
2020-07-29 20:08:38,363 INFO         Requesting public key from key slot =132                                                             []
2020-07-29 20:08:38,364 INFO         disconnected from OnlyKey                                                                            []
2020-07-29 20:08:38,365 WARNING      error: 'user'                                                                                        []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/", line 95, in handle_connection
    reply = handler.handle(msg=msg)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 104, in handle
    reply = method(buf=buf)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 111, in list_pubs
    keys = self.conn.parse_public_keys()
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 227, in parse_public_keys
    for pk in self.public_keys()]
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 221, in public_keys
    self.public_keys_cache = conn.export_public_keys(self.identities)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 27, in export_public_keys
    pubkey = self.device.pubkey(identity=i)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/device/", line 123, in pubkey
    id_parts = unidecode.unidecode(identity.identity_dict['user'] + '@' + identity.identity_dict['host']).encode('ascii')
KeyError: 'user'
user@host: Permission denied (publickey).

@haplo Thanks for testing that, I will see about fixing that this week

@haplo Actually, it was an easy fix. Pushed fix onlykey-agent-merge branch so that it will work with host or user@host if you want to try it out.

haplo commented

Still failing I'm afraid:

$ onlykey-agent host
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/bin/onlykey-agent", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/bin/", line 5, in <lambda>
    ssh_agent = lambda: libagent.ssh.main(DeviceType)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 185, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 325, in main
    for pk in conn.public_keys():
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 221, in public_keys
    self.public_keys_cache = conn.export_public_keys(self.identities)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/ssh/", line 27, in export_public_keys
    pubkey = self.device.pubkey(identity=i)
  File "/home/user/src/virtualenvs/onlykey-trezor-agent/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libagent/device/", line 123, in pubkey
    id_parts = unidecode.unidecode(identity.identity_dict['user'] + '@' + identity.identity_dict['host']).encode('ascii')
KeyError: 'user'

I will debug it and create PR.

haplo commented

Nevermind, I was running old code, the fix works. 👍