
signing failed: End of file

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When using the Onlykey for signing or decryption, I receive the error "gpg: signing failed: End of file" using gpg2 and something similar using gpa. The errors occur once the light turns violet and I press any button. I've got Derived Key User Input Mode set to Button Press. I'm not entirely sure why this is happening, but any help is appreciated as I am relatively new to this.

Can you provide the command you are using and the output from gpg logs?

Fedora 37
gpg --decrypt test.txt.gpg

2023-01-18 17:13:33 gpg[9154] encrypted with cv25519 key, ID, created 1970-01-01
2023-01-18 17:13:33 gpg[9154] using "..." as default secret key for signing
2023-01-18 17:13:50 gpg[9154] public key decryption failed: End of file
2023-01-18 17:13:50 gpg[9154] decryption failed: End of file