
bug in 'whoami'

yanghaoi opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, Your bof is very nice! But i fond a litter bug in zh-cn local windows, it's look like(DispName words Full display):

I try fix it , but i not found syntax error... o.0

Hello thank you for this report.

I'm honestly not used to working with character maps outside of english. I'm having difficulty understanding what the bug is.

Is the description being cut off or is it the enabled / Disabled showing in english?

Hello, I use "LookupPrivilegeNameW" and "WideCharToMultiByte" fix the bug.


Awesome, I am open to accepting a pull request if you have code that fixes the bug as stated.

Otherwise I'll address this the next time I'm going through issue lists / pull requests and working this codebase.

Hello,I create a repository BOF_whoami fixes some bugs, thank you.

This is not a pull request, its a completely separate repo.

The other issue is if I fix this here I do think I'll be obligated to make the entire code base have international support. At this time I'm unable to allocate that time to such an effort. For these reasons I'm closing this issue and will not be regarding it further.