
Add descriptions to all data structures in Section 7.

nkongsuwan opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently, many examples of KERI data structures—such as key event messages, receipt messages, etc.—do not have any description.

It is also unclear what is the meaning of the digest d of each message—whether it is a SAID of the message itself or a reference to the SAID of another message. This is specified for the receipts but not for other message types.

@nkongsuwan please re-review we feel this has been normalized

I have just read the update. So it seems the receipt message is the only exception where d refers to a key event and not the message's enclosing block.

I suggest that we add a brief description to describe the purpose of each message type, perhaps one sentence each. Currently, only the fields inside each message and their orders are described.

For example, I have no idea for what purpose and in which context the prod message and bare message are used.

I just realized there is a new table describing the messages.