Callback function gives HTTP error 500
silentbogo opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm using Opencart 3.0.2 w/ Materialize template 0.80.3 (OC3).
Currently having an issue with activating the callback feature. As soon as I add it to the main page, the whole website goes down with HTTP error 500. If I deactivate it in the admin panel again, then everything is back to normal.
What version of php do you use? Do you have a clean OpenCart without any third-party modules? How do you try to add a module to the main page? The module is enough to just turn it enable.
What version of php do you use? Do you have a clean OpenCart without any third-party modules? How do you try to add a module to the main page? The module is enough to just turn it enable.
I'm running PHP 5.6.30, clean OC install w/ materialize template and no other third-party modules.
There are few modifications to a couple of twig files and small customizations to a catalog filter module: nothing related to callback.
I've enabled the module, adjusted settings and that's pretty much it. As soon as I enable it, the whole site goes down. Had no time to debug it myself (too busy at work), but I'll try to check Apache logs this weekend.
Please send the data to access your site (ftp, admin panel) to my e-mail: