Get very very low results my custom dataset
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Hi, I have converted the Stanford Drone Dataset to Pascal VOC format. I then converted it to TFRecords with the command lumi Adapting Dataset.
Dataset content :
train ==> 40000 images
trainval ==> 56000 images
val==> 17000 images
test ==> 23500 images
I have 6 class(pedestrian, biker, skater, car, cart, bus).
my config file :
Run on debug mode (which enables more logging).
debug: False
Seed for random operations.
Training batch size for images. FasterRCNN currently only supports 1.
batch_size: 1
Base directory in which model checkpoints & summaries (for Tensorboard) will
be saved.
job_dir: jobs/
Ignore scope when loading from checkpoint (useful when training RPN first
and then RPN + RCNN).
Enables TensorFlow debug mode, which stops and lets you analyze Tensors
after each
tf_debug: False
Name used to identify the run. Data inside job_dir
will be stored under
run_name: Stanford/
Disables logging and saving checkpoints.
no_log: False
Displays debugging images with results every N steps. Debug mode must be
Display debugging images every N seconds.
display_every_secs: 300
Shuffle the dataset. It should only be disabled when trying to reproduce
some problem on some sample.
random_shuffle: True
Save Tensorboard timeline.
save_timeline: False
The frequency, in seconds, that a checkpoint is saved.
save_checkpoint_secs: 600
The frequency, in number of global steps, that the summaries are written to
The frequency, in seconds, that the summaries are written to disk. If both
save_summaries_steps and save_summaries_secs are set to empty, then the
default summary saver isn't used.
save_summaries_secs: 30
Run TensorFlow using full_trace mode for memory and running time logging
Debug mode must be enabled.
full_trace: False
Clip gradients by norm, making sure the maximum value is 10.
clip_by_norm: False
Learning rate config.
# Because we're using kwargs, we want the learning_rate dict to be replaced
# as a whole.
_replace: True
# Learning rate decay method; can be: ((empty), 'none', piecewise_constant,
# exponential_decay, polynomial_decay) You can define different decay
# methods using decay_method
and defining all the necessary arguments.
learning_rate: 0.0003
Optimizer configuration.
# Because we're using kwargs, we want the optimizer dict to be replaced as a
# whole.
_replace: True
# Type of optimizer to use (momentum, adam, gradient_descent, rmsprop).
type: momentum
# Any options are passed directly to the optimizer as kwarg.
momentum: 0.9
Number of epochs (complete dataset batches) to run.
num_epochs: 1000
Image visualization mode, options = train, eval, debug, (empty).
image_vis: train
Variable summary visualization mode, options = full, reduced, (empty).
Image visualization mode, options = train, eval, debug,
(empty). Default=(empty).
image_vis: eval
type: object_detection
From which directory to read the dataset.
dir: 'tf/'
Which split of tfrecords to look for.
split: train
Resize image according to min_size and max_size.
min_size: 600
max_size: 1024
Data augmentation techniques.
- flip:
left_right: True
up_down: False
prob: 0.5
# Also available:
# # If you resize to too small images, you may end up not having any anchors
# # that aren't partially outside the image.
# - resize:
# min_size: 600
# max_size: 1024
# prob: 0.2
# - patch:
# min_height: 600
# min_width: 600
# prob: 0.2
# - distortion:
# brightness:
# max_delta: 0.2
# hue:
# max_delta: 0.2
# saturation:
# lower: 0.5
# upper: 1.5
# prob: 0.3
type: fasterrcnn
# Total number of classes to predict.
num_classes: 6
# Use RCNN or just RPN.
with_rcnn: True
Whether to use batch normalization in the model.
batch_norm: False
# Which type of pretrained network to use.
architecture: resnet_v1_50
# Should we train the pretrained network.
trainable: True
# From which file to load the weights.
# Should we download weights if not available.
download: True
# Which endpoint layer to use as feature map for network.
# Starting point after which all the variables in the base network will be
# trainable. If not specified, then all the variables in the network will be
# trainable.
fine_tune_from: block2
# Whether to train the ResNet's batch norm layers.
train_batch_norm: False
# Whether to use the base network's tail in the RCNN.
use_tail: True
# Whether to freeze the base network's tail.
freeze_tail: False
# Output stride for ResNet.
output_stride: 16
# Regularization.
weight_decay: 0.0005
# Loss weights for calculating the total loss.
rpn_cls_loss_weight: 1.0
rpn_reg_loss_weights: 1.0
rcnn_cls_loss_weight: 1.0
rcnn_reg_loss_weights: 1.0
# Base size to use for anchors.
base_size: 256
# Scale used for generating anchor sizes.
scales: [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2]
# Aspect ratios used for generating anchors.
ratios: [0.5, 1, 2]
# Stride depending on feature map size (of pretrained).
stride: 16
activation_function: relu6
l2_regularization_scale: 0.0005 # Disable using 0.
# Sigma for the smooth L1 regression loss.
l1_sigma: 3.0
# Number of filters for the RPN conv layer.
num_channels: 512
# Kernel shape for the RPN conv layer.
kernel_shape: [3, 3]
# Initializers for RPN weights.
_replace: True
type: random_normal_initializer
mean: 0.0
stddev: 0.01
_replace: True
type: random_normal_initializer
mean: 0.0
stddev: 0.01
_replace: True
type: random_normal_initializer
mean: 0.0
stddev: 0.001
# Total proposals to use before running NMS (sorted by score).
pre_nms_top_n: 12000
# Total proposals to use after NMS (sorted by score).
post_nms_top_n: 2000
# Option to apply NMS.
apply_nms: True
# NMS threshold used when removing "almost duplicates".
nms_threshold: 0.7
min_size: 0 # Disable using 0.
# Run clipping of proposals after running NMS.
clip_after_nms: False
# Filter proposals from anchors partially outside the image.
filter_outside_anchors: False
# Minimum probability to be used as proposed object.
min_prob_threshold: 0.0
# Margin to crop proposals to close to the border.
allowed_border: 0
# Overwrite positives with negative if threshold is too low.
clobber_positives: False
# How much IoU with GT proposals must have to be marked as positive.
foreground_threshold: 0.7
# High and low thresholds with GT to be considered background.
background_threshold_high: 0.3
background_threshold_low: 0.0
foreground_fraction: 0.5
# Ration between background and foreground in minibatch.
minibatch_size: 256
# Assign to get consistent "random" selection in batch.
random_seed: # Only to be used for debugging.
layer_sizes: [] # Could be e.g. [4096, 4096]
dropout_keep_prob: 1.0
activation_function: relu6
l2_regularization_scale: 0.0005
# Sigma for the smooth L1 regression loss.
l1_sigma: 1.0
# Use average pooling before the last fully-connected layer.
use_mean: True
# Variances to normalize encoded targets with.
target_normalization_variances: [0.1, 0.2]
_replace: True
type: variance_scaling_initializer
factor: 1.0
uniform: True
mode: FAN_AVG
_replace: True
type: random_normal_initializer
mean: 0.0
stddev: 0.01
_replace: True
type: random_normal_initializer
mean: 0.0
stddev: 0.001
pooling_mode: crop
pooled_width: 7
pooled_height: 7
padding: VALID
# Maximum number of detections for each class.
class_max_detections: 100
# NMS threshold used to remove "almost duplicate" of the same class.
class_nms_threshold: 0.5
# Maximum total detections for an image (sorted by score).
total_max_detections: 300
# Minimum prob to be used as proposed object.
min_prob_threshold: 0.5
# Ratio between foreground and background samples in minibatch.
foreground_fraction: 0.25
minibatch_size: 256
# Threshold with GT to be considered positive.
foreground_threshold: 0.5
# High and low threshold with GT to be considered negative.
background_threshold_high: 0.5
background_threshold_low: 0.0
And result :
Average Precission is terribly bad. where did i make mistake? How can fix this?Please help
What it's the image?