How to use lumi generate coco's subset
bleedingfight opened this issue · 0 comments
bleedingfight commented
Hi,guys,I wan't use coco's subset train my model.but I can't get coco's subset use lumi dataset transform.
My env:
nvidia GTX1080x2
ubuntu 16.0.4
I had download coco's dataset to /tmp/coco.
572K coco/annotations/deprecated-challenge2017
2.5G coco/annotations
6.3G coco/test2017
19G coco/train2017
788M coco/val2017
28G coco
I just try this command to get apple and orange's tfrecords
lumi dataset transform --type coco \
--data-dir /tmp/coco/ \
--output-dir /tmp/apple/ \
--split train --split val \
--only-classes apple,orange \
something wrong like this:
File "/home/amax/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/", line 68, in <module>
File "/home/amax/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/", line 65, in _ensure_tf_install
ImportError: This version of TensorFlow Probability requires TensorFlow version >= 1.12.0; Detected an installation of version 1.10.0. Please upgrade TensorFlow to proceed.
tensorflow is compile form source,In order to avoid recompile source and conflict,I use conda create a new env:
conda create -n lumi-dev python=3.6
source activate lumi-dev
pip install tensorflow # (not tensorflow-gpu in order to avoid conflict with mine,pypi's
pip install luminoth
luminoth‘s like this:
luminoth 0.2.3 <pip>
and then i use the same command(I wan't generator apple and orange's tfrecords in /tmp/apple):
lumi dataset transform --type coco \
--data-dir /tmp/coco/ \
--output-dir /tmp/apple/ \
--split train --split val \
--only-classes apple,orange \
output just like this:
DEBUG:tensorflow:Loading annotation json (may take a while).
output apple dir:
├── classes.json
├── train.tfrecords
└── val.tfrecords
0 directories, 3 files
19 G
Have I some step wrong?why all data are generat for tfrecords