
Native Menu Support

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Allow user to manipulate OS menu
By passing in JSON for initialization
Still need an API to add, remove, disable, etc.

I'd like to work on this, and systray/notification area integration on all three platforms. I may need some help figuring out what changes I need to make to both Photino.Net and Photino.Native.

@stevesobol That's fantastic. Thank you. I believe the notifications are already implemented in the latest builds, so it's just the native menus remaining.

I believe notifications are implemented too, but what I want to see is native notifications. Not sure if that's been implemented. I'll try to check this weekend.

So, let's jump back to the discussion about menus. Bullet list of things we should implement:

  • Add/mod/delete (obviously) :)
  • Menu separators
  • Checked menu items
  • Menu items with icons; this may be a Windows-only feature. I've never seen it on macOS or Linux.
  • Submenus
  • Context/popup menus, but that functionality already exists and I don't know whether it's worth the time to implement native context menus.

Am I missing anything?

On Linux, do we want to use Gtk to implement the native UI?

I have access to native development environments on all three platforms...

All we can think of in addition to your list is disabling or hiding menus and/or menu items. Thank you!