
"Photino.Blazor" - InputFile - OnChange callback is not "fired"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Create the example Photino.Blazor project

add the following into Counter page:

(This is simplfied - you can add Console.WriteLine(obj.File); if you think the callback is being optimised out !)

Set breakpoints as shown

  • Run project
  • click counter to confirm that the breakpoints are working
  • Click "Choose File"
  • Select any file and confirm that the filename is displayed next to the button


  • for the Callback to be fired
  • And the breakpoint to be hit


  • Nothing.

Thank you for reporting this issue. I will investigate the source of this problem with InputFile.

For now, Blazor is no longer supported in Photino v2

Same bug here.
Wasm or Server or Auto: same.

The callback is never fired

Since we did keep Blazor supported after all, we re-opened this issue to look into.