
`Console.WriteLine(@"Test");` and `DebugWriteLine(@"Test");` are not sent to `DevTools - app`

Closed this issue · 2 comments

They are also not captured by Visual Studio, but can be captured by a ProcessHandler that redirects StdOut.

This is not as expected for Blazor applications, as Devs are used to the Console output going to the "F12" (or Ctrl+Shf+I devtools)

This kind of console output by default works in Blazor WASM, but since we're not executing Blazor WASM in the browser, Photino doesn't provide that feature yet.
With JS interop a wrapper for browser logging could be written though, SO thread for reference:

A more general and better approach or solution would be to enhance the JS Interop on the level of Photino.Native to provide this functionality to all Photino projects alike.
Ref: tryphotino/photino.Native#46

Why was this closed ?
I want to use it C# / .net nothing to do with Natvie code base !