
WebRTC sample

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Can you provide a sample for creation of a basic video chat app using WebRTC, please?

We do not have capacity to work out extra samples like that. But if you want to contribute, we'd be happy to add that to our samples :)

As I'm struggling to call WebRTC directly from C# (WinRTC is dead, MAUI won't support it for the foreseeable future & I refuse any implementation using NodeJS), I thought of using Photino.
But since the contribution you're asking for requires exactly what I asked for in the first place, we're in kinda merry-go-round, I guess.

So far, I managed to use WebRTC by calling Twilio's Video API via MAUI Blazor's JSInterop which I'm going to stay with until MAUI "non-Blazor" matured enough or MS comes up with yet another framework.

They taught us in school, software engineers would rationalize their own jobs one day - oh well, little did they know about Microsoft's framework "policy".. 🤣