
Example of using Photino for automation

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, is it possible to add an example of using Photino to populate HTML form, submit with redirect to another page, and get parameter from the URL?
Basically, some common tasks that previously could be done with Selenium and Web Driver?
To be clear, the question is about how to execute JS code for an external website, not local wwwroot.


Tried to add JS code dynamically in page load event in Photino.NET, but got an exception, so probably it's a window creation event, not page load event. In this case, the question is, how do I know when it's safe to execute JS code?


Also, tried to execute method with delay, nothing happened, JS code didn't execute.


After searching for some time, I found that this feature is not implemented yet and not clear whether it will be.
tryphotino/photino.NET#58 (comment)